Super-disciplined : Slow and steady wins the race – these words might have originated from Capricorns. Capricorns are highly patient and this characteristic of them allows them to achieve their dreams. One of the unique Capricorn traits is that people with this sign have a cool and composed mind. They don't like drama or conflicts and are very patient about everything.
Materialistic : One of the most common Capricorn traits is that they are known to be a little materialistic and boast about themselves when they achieve success. However, they also take full responsibility for the wrong decisions made, never blaming others.
Passive-Aggressive : Tell them a lie, and you will see the bitterness of a Capricorn. Yes, if you ever have faced an angry Capricorn, don't push their limits, and better watch out before arguing with them. If you did, brace yourself to face the impact because the earth sign can be brutal despite its calm nature and will cut you down with its extensive vocabulary.
In all the houses of Hinduism, Manglik work or religious ritual is considered a sign of swastika highly Mars-symbol. That is why the swastika mark is ... Read More...