It is a complete astrological analysis along with complete prediction for respective Dasha periods. The Kundali consists of approximately 65 pages. You will have the Astrological Support for the next three years. After a child's birth his or her Janma Kundli Nirman is very important for his upbringing and overall development. It contains a detailed analysis of the birth chart of the native. Janma Kundli is important for the child's name and important events in life like the rice ceremony, thread ceremony etc. It also signifies the period of development and the probable disturbances in native’s life.
Purna Janma Kundli Is a compilation of of birth chart of about 60 to 65 pages including Bhava Chalita Chart, Different kind of Dasha system, Navatara Chakra, sannari chakra, and complete site of prediction including a brief report on general prediction, health prediction, career prediction, education prediction, profession, disease, entertainment and also conjugal life. The brief analysis helps the native to achieve the maximum office goal and provide an indication before any sinful event. it also includes the preventive measures or precautions, The remedial measures and the behavioral remedies Suggested for you from time to time.
Our team of efficient astrologers will guide you on every point of the janma kundali that is prepared by Rrishibani. We interpret the significance of different Dasha system and their effect on the negatives daily life, the periods of upliftment, developments in career, time and quality of marriage as well as the conjugal life, the specific Times when there may be some disturbances regarding health, or financial status of the native, poor performance in education, weak relationship with family and friends, etc. The time for starting a new business or joining a new job, making friendship and partnership, purchasing a vehicle everything are discussed in detail. After completion of the preparation of the kundali, our team will discuss and guide you to achieve the maximum in this month.