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General Prediction 1505

General Prediction 1505

In our daily life, general prediction is always needed to survive in life, to make changes in life, to make any kind of decision. Only an astrologer can guide you to make all decisions in the right way. When you are about to start a business or you are planning to purchase a new home, only an Astrologer can guide you to choose your partner for the type of business or select the home that suits you best. Everyday in our daily life we suffer from a lot of problems. He is The Astrologer, with whom we can easily discuss all the problems in our daily life. This kind of discussion is considered as General prediction.


In this service of general prediction, our team of highly experienced astrologers take the detailed birth data to prepare your Horoscope, the Navamsha Kundli, transit chart, Bhava kundali, the Sadabal Chart, The Vimshottari Dasha. After completion of all the charts you will receive a soft copy of the barth chart followed by a telephonic discussion or a video conference. In this discussion you will be allowed to ask your personal question and our astrologer will guide you to make improvements in your life.

What We DO

After preparation of the birth chart our team of expert astrologers make a thorough observation of the lagna, the planets, their degree wise positions, aspects, strengths and weaknesses of them. Analysis of the constructive and destructive planetary combinations present in the birth chart are very important to predict a natives birth chart. The team of astrologers will interpret the impact of planets according to their constellation and the sign wise status. They will guide you to take suitable measures to improve your lifestyle, condition of your health and your financial status. They will also guide you to improve your client base. they will give you a suggestion for the remedial measure and precautions that should be taken by you.


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